Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Beginning

Wow.  First blog post.  Lots of pressure.  This is the one you look back at when you're millionaires, relaxing on your private island off the coast of Italy because you were going to go to your mansion in the Alps but it was snowed in, right?

I guess the best place to start would be to introduce ourselves.  We are just a hard working couple with big ambitions. We are the "we would rather spend a sunny Sunday at home in the backyard watching our almost two year old son instigate our dog while he became limp from laughter" kind of people.  We are New Yorkers, Yankee fans, and love Kevin Spacey.

We always had the need for an outlet.  For Jacki, it was gymnastics.  For me, music and baseball. Those days are far in the past at this point.  We have full time jobs, a house, a dog, and a very energetic little boy who keeps us quite busy.  I think every parent will comply with the fact that when the majority of your time is spent being a Mom or Dad, when the baby goes down for the night, you need "your" time.

We both agreed that we needed a new outlet and we always wanted to try some sort of entrepreneurial expedition together.  Moving into our first house has inspired a creative hunger to make something that we could really enjoy out of our newly acquired real estate.

We've always enjoyed the classics when it came to decorating our home.  Pieces that are understated, yet make a statement within the room.  Clean and neat colors with accents that provide the adequate amount of pop to give the room character and personality.  When it came to our furniture, we really enjoyed the whole DIY concept.  Whether it was refurbishing a piece that had seen better days, or putting together a custom piece that we could create from scratch, we've attempted to remain consistent in that area.  So why not document our hobby?

Meet the family: Avery Knox.  The picture on the left was taken just about 2 years ago as we were getting ready to leave the hospital and the picture on the right is more recent.  One of the most incredible things about being a first time parent is that you have absolutely zero idea of what is about to happen to you.   I never knew what true pride really was until he arrived and that feeling only grew as he grew.

Enter Winston (or as Avery refers to him, Dodo).  We had moved from one apartment to another a few years back (before we had our house), and one of the reasons we picked our next apartment was due to the reality that we could have a dog.  It was my first and I can't see my life without one now...but more specifically him.

Please continue to check back as we provide updates on our progress. 

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